SwissP Defence AG
Uttigenstrasse 67
3600 Thun, Switzerland
Phone +41 33 854 44 00
SwissP Defence ist der führende europäische Anbieter für Kleinkalibermunition und der zuverlässige Partner für Armee und Behörden. Die von uns entwickelte und produzierte Munition bewährt sich in anspruchsvollen Einsätzen auf der ganzen Welt. Dadurch tragen wir zum Missionserfolg und zu unser aller Sicherheit bei – heute und in Zukunft.
technical implementation and hosting
Conception and Design
Hannes Hauri, CEO
Place of jurisdiction
Thun, BE (Switzerland)
VAT identification number
Person responsible for content
Christian Müller, Marketing & Communication Manager
All texts, software, and images on this website are the property of SwissP Defence AG and are not to be used without our express written consent. The data in the download areas are only to be used for non-commercial personal use.
Brand names
SwissP Defence and SWISS P are registered trademarks.
All references to statutory regulations, provisions, and uses refer to prevailing law in the Federal Republic of Germany. All of the data etc. contained on this website were compiled by the responsible parties to the best of their knowledge and with the greatest of care. Despite this, errors cannot be completely ruled out. Hence, no responsibility or liability can be assumed for any incorrect content.